Monday, August 20, 2007

Toddler Gymnastics - Stroller Races

As soon as Harper started to walk, he began pushing things around. He still loves pushing things: boxes, strollers, the dogs. We were at a birthday party the other day where they were doing some toddler gymnastics activities - one of which included stroller races.

They got the kids all lined up on one side of the room. Then they set up some cones and each child took a turn pushing a kid sized stroller (complete with teddy bear passenger) through the cones while the other children cheered and clapped.

As a side note - notice how part of this activity involves the mental aspect of following directions. That’s a good thing to think about when planning any type of toddler gymnastics activity. You want to incorporate both the physical and mental to challenge the kids.

Stroller races - what an easy thing to set up as a toddler gymnastics activity. And the kids loved it!


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