Sunday, August 19, 2007

Parachutes for Toddler Gymnastics

Do you remember back when you were a kid playing with a parachute in gym class? How fun was that? I've been to toddler gymnastics classes where a parachute is pulled out just like when I was a kid - guess we must have been ahead of out time back then...

Grandma (my mom) just sent Harper a package the other day which had a book (I guess that was for me) called Parachute Games - and it was wrapped in a parachute. Well, a parachute designed specifically for play - not for jumping - though I guess it might work, wait, don’t try that at home.

It’s a twelve foot parachute and Harper absolutely loves it. I know a lot of toddler gymnastics courses use parachutes as well - but it’s super fun to have one at home too.


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