Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Toddler Gymnastics Or…Chase!

For being less than 3 feet tall, the kid wears me out. Some days I’ll have some great idea that I’m excited about trying, that I got from a toddler gymnastics book or read online someplace that we (me) will set up so we can try out.

Before I know it - we’ll go from trying to balance on a line or climb a pile of cushions to Harper’s favorite game: chase. Harper loves being chased. He gets such a kick out of it. He’ll start coming towards me and if I move towards him he turns around, screams, and runs the other direction.

Sometimes he’ll crawl under the table - which occasionally I’ll try too - though I remember that type of thing being a lot easier a few years ago. Now my knees hurt, my head hurts when I hit it - I’m getting old in general I guess. But whatever - Harper can’t get enough of it.

Whatever toddler gymnastics activity I’ve thought about and set up sometimes just has to wait. Sometimes a good game of chase is all you really need to have fun and interact with your kid.


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